Aquarion: Season One Part Two

Aquarion: Season One Part Two

Apollo and Silvia continue to discover more and more about their past lives and fight against their emotions. When in battle it is necessary to be in complete harmony with the others on board the vessel. Though I loved the first season the second seemed to become a little trite. I am beginning to think someone should recommend meditation to this team and call it a  done deal. Any way something about the show keeps me going and if you liked Macros and sailor moon at all, this may be your next favorite series. If you preferred Evangelion then you might feel that this series has the robots but is not really what your looking for. 


There were no new attempts from the first season but they continued to use some interesting techniques of merging some very organic and geometric imagery. I still love the sound track as a full booming choir is always a great sound for battle, I would say its their strongest point as far as presentation goes.


-Creation and Development of the Series

-2005 Stage Drama

-Music Videos

-Manga-style silent movie

As the story comes to a conclusion it really picks up. My favorite parts involve the feathered ones and the stories of the past. These pieces are the real story, fighting off the demons and angels in Aquarion feels more like filler, and though some of the fights can get pretty intense the emotional complexity of finding someone from a past life is much more interesting.