Roll20 Brings Marvel Multiverse RPG to the Virtual Table

Roll20 Brings Marvel Multiverse RPG to the Virtual Table

This is exciting! I can’t wait to check it out!

Las Vegas, April 12, 2022 – Roll20 and Marvel are pleased to unveil the official support of the Marvel roleplaying game on the Roll20 virtual tabletop.

The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Playtest Rulebook, the first volume launching the new D616 system, is available for pre-order today on Roll20. The partnership between Marvel and Roll20 brings the new roleplaying game playtest, where players can become their favorite Marvel superhero or create their own, to players everywhere for fully integrated virtual play. The Marvel Character Sheet will be available and free to all on April 20, 2022. 

“We are thrilled to partner with the Marvel team and designers Mike Capps, Matt Forbeck, and John Nee for the launch of this playtest. Our collaboration is a unique way to ensure both Roll20 and Marvel are supercharging the player experience,” said Emily Floyd, Licensing Director of Roll20. “The massively successful Marvel franchise and Roll20’s best-in-class virtual tabletop form the perfect team to bring millions of fans from around the world together to enjoy the Marvel Multiverse.”

Players can use the Playtest Rulebook to try out the new system slated for release in 2023 and provide feedback to the Marvel Multiverse team. Suit up as Iron Man, soar as Captain Marvel, or create your own superhero where you have the power to choose your backstory, powers, traits, and archetype. The character sheet powered by Roll20 does the math for players in the new D616 system. 

The player facilitating the game is the Narrator, and Roll20 simplifies the powerful combat featured in Marvel Multiverse. Narrators can show maps to the superheroes to devise their strategy to take down villains and protect the world. The story featured in the playtest, “Enter: Hydra,” comes with a ready-to-play map on the Roll20 virtual tabletop. Combined with 11 pre-generated character sheets and token art, the playtest can be run with very little prep.

The Roll20 Virtual Tabletop provides a full suite of easy-to-use digital tools so players can build characters and run campaigns seamlessly through their web browser. With character sheet automation, simple click-to-roll attacks, and built-in video and voice communication, players can quickly craft stories as a group. Pre-made adventures and fully-integrated bestiaries allow GMs to run games with minimal setup, while effortlessly enjoying features such as dynamic lighting and advanced fog of war to build tension on what’s right around the corner… or creeping up from behind.

All of us at Marvel are ecstatic to partner with Roll20 for this launch. As the leader in the VTT space, I’m beyond excited to see what we can accomplish,” said Carlos “CJ” Cervantes, Marvel’s Project Lead for the Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game.