The Holiday Season has hit the Wild West. Just warms my little cowpoke heart.
‘Tis almost the season in Red Dead Online and the Christmas spirit is ramping up across the frontier. Next week, expect flurries in the forecast and celebrations to be in full swing with decorations at your Campsite and Moonshine Shack, as well as on the cobbled streets of Saint Denis.
Keep an ear out for carols, music, and season’s greetings from Cripps, Harriet, and Gus on your travels and make sure to bundle up: the weather might take a turn for the cold and snowy. Rank lock restrictions will be lifted on the Double Barrel Shotgun, which will allow anyone to get the seasonally appropriate Krampus Shotgun Variant between December 14 and January 5 so you can strike some seasonal terror into your foes.
Before the holidays kick off proper, get into the swing of things with huge bonuses and discounts across an abundance of missions, modes, and more.

2X RDO$ and XP Bonuses on Bounty Missions and Call to Arms
Just because the yule log is lit does not mean that crime takes a day off. As a matter of fact, crime spikes around the holidays every year — and both lawmen and townsfolk alike need all the help they can get stemming the tide. Earn 2X RDO$ and Character XP in Call to Arms, plus 2X RDO$ and Role XP on all Bounty Missions from now until January 5.

New Seasonal Call to Arms Maps Coming December 21
Not everyone is all about peace on Earth and good will to their fellow man: check your inbox at the local Post Office between December 21 and January 5 for Telegrams telling of heartless bandits laying siege to the holdouts at Colter, Rhodes, Hanging Dog Ranch, and Emerald Ranch under the cover of inclement weather.
There are also reports of cougars, wolves, and bears, so don’t let your guard slip. A Christmas-themed locomotive may also be seen stopping in the stations at Rhodes and Emerald Ranch amidst the fighting, except it’s not bearing gifts, but rather hauling more gunmen for you to send to their maker.
Successfully reaching the last wave on any Holiday Call to Arms map will land you an Offer for 50% off any weapon.

2X RDO$ on all Trader and Moonshine Sales
Local townsfolk hunger for fresh goods and strong spirits: completing any Trader or Moonshine Sales over the holiday season will dish out 2X RDO$ for those who manage to keep their wagons on the straight and narrow.
Earn Big for Showing up in Showdowns
Just because the holidays are nigh does not mean all competition has to be friendly and amicable. Do you hanker to get your hands dirty in a good old-fashioned gunfight? Do your trigger fingers itch when they’re idle, especially around the holiday season?
Luckily for you, modes like Make It Count and Last Stand are doling out 3X RDO$ and XP and 2X Gold, while Gun Rush, Gun Rush Teams, Spoils of War, Up in Smoke, and Overrun are all paying out Double Rewards, meaning there’s plenty of reason to see if you can emerge from the bloody fray on top and relatively unscathed.

Christmastime Bonuses and Offers
These are good times to gather and be merry together: visiting any Saloon and ordering a drink from the bartender will land you the ‘Good to See Ya’ Emote, free of charge.
Those who play Red Dead Online between December 14 and Christmas Day will receive Rewards for 25 Capitale and a free Accessory, while the Winter Evans Repeater will be free to all players between December 14-29. Log in between December 26 and January 5 and you’ll receive 10 sticks of Volatile Dynamite, 20 Fire Arrows, plus a Reward for a free Weight Loss Tonic to help stave off the holiday weight, and a Reward to clear your bounty in all states to start next year off with a clean slate.

Ring in the New Year with Bounty Hunter Bonuses, Rewards, and a Free Winter Coat
The dawn of the New Year brings with it the promise of new starts, unless you’re a dastardly coward hounded by the long arm of the law, that is. In which case, the future is looking grimmer and grimmer. From December 28 to January 5, bring in Player Bounties alive for 2,000 Bounty Hunter XP, or cold ‘n’ dead for RDO$200. Likewise, deliver any Legendary or Infamous Bounties — dead or alive — to receive 2 Hawkmoth Bolas.
As the temperatures continue to plummet after the holidays, return to Red Dead Online between the dates above to receive a free Winter Shotgun Coat, all the better to protect you from the incoming snowstorms and howling winds. Please allow up to 72 hours for your Rewards and Offers to arrive.
Those looking to join the ranks of the head-hunters can take 5 Gold Bars off both Bounty Hunter Licenses, as well as half off all Bolas (including Hawkmoth, Brookstone, and Gravesend variants), 30% off the Bounty Hunter Wagon, and 40% off all Novice, Promising and Established Bounty Hunter Role Items.
See below for the complete list of discounts available from vendors across the frontier, as well as the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue for the next four weeks.
· 5 Gold Bars off the Bounty Hunter License
· 5 Gold Bars off the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License
· 50% off all Bolas (including Hawkmoth, Brookstone, Gravesend)
· 30% off all Ammo
· 30% off all Bounty Hunter Wagon
· 40% off all Role Weapon Variants
· 40% off all Breton Horses
· 40% off all Sniper Rifles
· 40% off all Novice, Promising, and Established Bounty Hunter Role Items
· 40% off all Single Bandoliers
Prime Gaming Benefits
Red Dead Online players who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming through December 20 will get a Reward for a free Stable Slot and 5 Special Horse Medicines. Those players who connect to Prime Gaming between December 21 through January 17 will receive Rewards for a Bolt Action Rifle and a free Coat.
Check Rockstar Support for details and limitations.