Call of Duty: Warzone: Blog Post To Keep You Up-To-Date

Call of Duty: Warzone: Blog Post To Keep You Up-To-Date

*Verdansk Has Fallen*


MISSION START (PT): 14:00 (2:00 p.m.) – 21 April

MISSION PARAMETERS: Infiltrate, Secure, and Investigate Rebirth Island


We can confirm that as of 14:00 on the 21st of April, 2021, Verdansk has fallen.

Repeat: Verdansk has fallen.

Additionally, Armistice Central Command has ceased operations and cannot be contacted.

Due to this catastrophic series of events, all Operators must re-route their infiltration efforts to Rebirth Island; this combat zone is now hotter than we have ever seen it in our five months of deployment here.

Operational procedures are being put in place as RICO-W oversees Command and Control communications. We will, to the best of our ability, keep field operatives updated with future orders.

All said, our initial field reconnaissance teams are currently investigating the DZ for information regarding the recent Containment Protocol failure. Operators planning to infiltrate should assist with these efforts.

*Pre-Brief Message from Armistice Central Command Leadership*

MISSION LOCATION: Verdansk, Kastovia

MISSION START (PT): 11:45 (11:45 a.m.) – 21 April

MISSION PARAMETERS: On your feet, soldier – we are leaving.

“History is written by the victor. Bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.” – Unknown


The above quote should ring true for us today, as in less than an hour, you will be launching the most massive coordinated effort that Operation Rapid Sunder has ever seen.

Over the past year of our Operation, we had our differences and disputes. Over the past year of our Operation, we made errors and even lost some objectives. Indeed, over the past year of our Operation, there were even some “friendly fire” incidents.

But this is the same task force that infiltrated Verdansk day in and day out, whether it be on the brightest days or the cover of night. This is the same task force that swayed the mercenary Shadow Company from our enemies to our fellow Operators. This is the same task force that overcame the nightmares of October 2020.

And this is the task force that saved the world from evil once before. It’s time to do it again.

To the Operators active in Verdansk, we must honor the spirits of our fallen squadmates and bring them justice, no matter what host these parasites have taken over.

Your official order: give ‘em hell and get out.

*Initial Evacuation Instructions for Verdansk*
MISSION LOCATION: Verdansk, Kastovia

MISSION START (PT): 11:00 (11:00 a.m. PT) – 21 April

MISSION PARAMETERS: Prepare for Exfiltration – Stand by for Updates


Armistice Central Command is ordering the evacuation of all Operators and civilians from Verdansk, effective immediately.

Per Armistice Code of Conduct, evacuation efforts will be conducted as follows:

This briefing will be updated as new information becomes apparent. All updates will be visible to all Operators as well as civilians. We will coordinate efforts using the Armistice Standard Pacific Time.

It is expected that exfiltration helicopters will arrive across Verdansk after 12:00 today, April 21. Due to the number of aircraft needed for this evacuation and the unusual wind conditions across Kastovia, we only have an estimated time of arrival for the first formation of helicopters, but we expect evacuations to be finished by 14:00.

Third, due to the Containment Protocol communication efforts, a system-wide update will need to be done across our network. This will require all Operators to manually update their comms unit (for civilians, their “console”) starting at 21:00 on April 21.

Given the above timeline, we expect the operation to be successful and comms to fully resume to normal by 12:00 on April 22.

You have your orders.

Now execute the mission.


MISSION LOCATION: Verdansk, Kastovia

MISSION START (PT): 12:45 (12:45 p.m.) – 21 April


Nuke it all.