Wadjet Eye Games’ Strangeland Looking Great, Releases Soon

Wadjet Eye Games’ Strangeland Looking Great, Releases Soon

Point-and-click adventure fans, take note of this one. From the creators of Primordia (Wormwood Studios), and published by  Wadjet Eyes Games, comes Strangeland. The game is set for release in only about six weeks, on May 25th, available on Steam and GOG. Be sure to check out the launch trailer and the Steam Store page.

Welcome to Strangeland

Nearly ten years in the making, Strangeland is a point and click adventure set entirely in a nameless protagonist’s dark dream — but is it a dream? Who is the golden-haired woman who sacrifices herself over and over? What do the ravens know? Why is the blind scribe destined to scribble on pages then toss them aside, and how did he lose his eyes?

Some of Strangeland’s questions have answers. Others lead only to more questions. Your task is to decipher as much as you can before you lose yourself to the darkness that is gradually consuming this place.

But is the darkness outside, or is it within? This, you’ll have to figure out for yourself. Look in the mirror to find the truth. Seek out the light to be saved.


  • A bizarre dreamscape brought to life with striking and surreal pixel art graphics
  • Clever puzzles with layered solutions — sometimes more than one
  • A rich allegorical story about identity, loss, and redemption that can only be fully understood if you look beyond what’s in front of you — it’s a puzzle all on its own
  • An integrated hint system, for those who want it
  • Play it again: hours of developer commentary and an “annotation mode” shed light on the game’s numerous metaphors, references, and enigmas