Exciting worlds to explore. Check out the details below.
Today, Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios announced the launch of new game updates for the studio’s popular MMORPGs, Neverwinter, and Star Trek Online.
Starting today till Thursday, April 15, Neverwinter is having an “eggciting” in-game event, April Fowls, in celebration of April Fools Day — bringing a new quest, mount, PvP option, along with limited time items! Later this month, another fowl event to celebrate the holiday will also be available. More details for that event will be revealed soon.
Over in the Final Frontier, Star Trek Online is kicking off First Contact Day. From now through April 22, both PC and console players can participate in three events to celebrate this momentous holiday. Captains will travel to the events of the First Contact Day film with Seven of Nine (voiced by Jeri Ryan) to stop the Borg, participate in a recreation of the Synth attack on Mars (from Star Trek: Picard), or travel to the First Contact Museum and complete a replica of the Phoenix, mankind’s first warp-capable ship. Completing these events will unlock the Grand Prize – the Martian Mining Laser.