The clock is ticking down. Best get on it!
This week marks the final seven days of Outlaw Pass No. 4, meaning a brand-new set of rewards is just around the corner. Current Pass holders have much to celebrate, with a free Treasure Map for playing this week as well as 5,000 XP to help push toward Rank 100, unlocking the coveted Morement Outfit.

Meanwhile, all Red Dead Online players this week will receive a Reward for a free Ability Card to help them thrive in the wild.
Bounty Hunters can make a killing several ways this week. Firstly, all licensed Bounty Hunters will receive 2,000 Role XP along with double Role XP for completing any Bounty, plus an Offer for 30% off any Established or Distinguished Bounty Hunter Item.
Tracking down Legendary Bounties will yield rewards all their own: on top of the aforementioned double Role XP, head-hunters will also earn double the usual Ability Card XP for playing Legendary Bounty Missions over the next seven days.
Those in possession of a Prestigious Bounty License can also mount up and reap those same benefits on all Infamous Bounties, which are deeper 3-part missions to track down wanted criminals. Head to the following Bounty Board locations and scroll to the third poster across, then hit up/down to begin tracking these Infamous Bounties:
Annesburg — Tobin Anderson’s Wreckers
Armadillo — The Butchers of Benedict Pass
Benedict Point — “Los Pasajeros”
Blackwater — Thaddeus Walter’s Men
Emerald Station — The Three Widows
Rhodes — The Bellingham Brothers
Riggs Station — Bartholomew Brown’s “Gentlemen”
Saint Denis — Hoare, Roache and Gault
Strawberry — The “Initiates”
Tumbleweed — “Addison Wye’s “Jailbreakers”
Valentine — Allen, De La Mare and Fitch
Van Horn — Bradshaw, Colt and Penn
Wallace Station — Theodore Xavier’s Hunt
Whether you gun these criminals down or apprehend them alive is up to you, but either way: in addition to the cash reward, turning in any Legendary Bounty will land you a gift of 25 Poison Throwing Knives and 100 rounds of Express Rifle Ammo.
Head to your local Bounty Board to peruse the undesirables and launch your next skirmish.
If you haven’t already added A New Source of Employment telegrams to your Satchel, be sure to check your mailbox — either at your Camp Lockbox or local Post Office — for word from your mysterious pen-pal J. Completing Outrider by successfully escorting a delivery wagon from Brittlebrush Trawl any time before March 15th will earn you an Offer for 30% off the Bounty Hunter Wagon.
Whether in hot pursuit of the ne’er-do-wells listed above or just looking to up your arsenal, gunsmiths across the states are offering 40% off the retail cost of all Rifles, plus 30% off all Bounty Hunter Weapon variants, Off-Hand Holsters and Reinforced Lassos.
Experiment and try out some new Passive Abilities, as Ability Cards and Ability Card Upgrades are 30% off for the next seven days.
Prime Gaming Benefits
Red Dead Online players who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming will receive Rewards for:
A free Bounty Hunter License
An Award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery
In addition, players who connect to Prime Gaming before March 15th will receive a Reward for 5,000 Club XP, an Offer for 50% off the Repeating Shotgun and 200 Shotgun Slugs.
Check Rockstar Support for details and limitations.