Manticore Games Announces New Home World Functionality for Core

Manticore Games Announces New Home World Functionality for Core

Core ads a new social hub to its user-generated experience. Check out the details below.

Manticore Games is excited to introduce a brand-new way to experience Core’s multiverse with the launch of Home World, the platform’s new entryway and social space where players can hang out, socialize, and find games to play.

As the new default entryway into Core, Home World gives players a three-dimensional virtual space to explore an endless arcade of games. Large marquees point the way to portals for all of the most popular and featured games – which include everything from frenetic shooters, to deep MMORPG’s, to simulators and much much more, all created in Core – offering a completely interconnected multiverse experience unique to Core.

Players can check out the new trailer for Core’s Home World here:

Core’s latest update also introduces speech bubbles, a significantly smaller install size and more slots for players’ favorite characters and mounts as the platform prepares for its Early Access launch on the Epic Games Store in April.

If you’re jumping in to check out the new Home World social and gaming space, make sure you also check out another big release in Core today, the new fast-paced FPS called Strike Team; a team-based, capture the control-point shooter set on a fiercely contested urban battlefield. This one is built by a team at Manticore Games.

Check out the debut trailer for Strike Team on Core: