Looks like Gentle Ben has gotten a little angry in Red Dead. Check out those growling details below.
If you are the type to wander the riverside in search of wild encounters, take heed. The Legendary Owiza Bear has been spotted wandering alone near the Dakota River. Its lonely existence means it is easily aggravated and prefers to hunt at night, particularly under heavy rainfall.
Meanwhile, the Legendary Ridgeback Spirit Bear, most notable for a distinctive red stripe down its back, prefers hunting during the day and is usually seen near Little Creek River. Both are aggressive and should only be approached with the utmost caution by experienced hunters and naturalists alike.
Hunt either of the Legendary Bears and sample or skin them this week to receive a Reward for a free Hat up to Rank 15.
Gus’ Trapper Store
Bring your Legendary Bear Pelts to Gus Macmillan to sell them for a tidy profit. Doing so will unlock the Owiza and Ridgeback Spirit Garment Sets for purchase. Craft either of these Legendary Coats to receive a Reward for a free Coat of your choice from the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue.

Vitalism Studies
Swing by Harriet’s shop this week to pick up the Rabbit Vitalism Studies Pamphlet, then harvest Harrietum Officinalis herbs to complete your transformation into a wildly fast critter. Players who complete an act of Rabbit animal control anytime this week will receive an offer for 50% off an Established or higher Naturalist Role Item.
Bonuses and Benefits
All Outlaw Pass holders will receive a free Treasure Map to help them pad their coffers.
Players would be wise to utilize this week’s 40% discounts on all Vests and Shirts, as well as the Advanced Camera.
Prime Gaming
Red Dead Online players who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming will receive Rewards for 5 Free Legendary Animal Pheromones, 6000 Club XP, a free Wilderness Camp, and a free Katata Coat made from Legendary Katata Elk hide. In addition, Prime Gaming members will Rewards for a free Bar Theme and Outfit, Accessory or Emote of their choice, plus 6,000 Outlaw Pass XP and 10X each of Gin, Brandy, Rum, Baked Beans, and Jolly Jack’s, all through October 19th.
Check Rockstar Support for details and limitations.