Submissions now open for Day of the Devs

Submissions now open for Day of the Devs

Check out the information below.

Double Fine Productions and iam8bit are thrilled to announce that submissions for Day of the Devs 2018 are now open! Developers of all genres and backgrounds are encouraged to submit their projects for consideration here.

Games and projects of all types will be considered, and past Day of the Devs participants have set the bar high for uniquely beautiful, interesting and inspiring indie titles. This year, the team is also specifically looking for more games providing unforgettable multiplayer experiences and functionality as well as games with alternate controllers and interesting hardware.

Submissions are open now until September 24th, and the full game line-up and more details on the event will be announced in October.

Please feel free to share the call for game submissions with your readers, and we hope that new and aspiring developers will be inspired to submit their own projects!

2018 will mark the 6th annual Day of the Devs, a now time-honored tradition in the San Francisco indie game scene. Last year brought together more than 75 inspiring indie games and developers together to celebrate with over 7,000 fans, great music, and loads of awesome treats and surprises all free with no costs either to developers or attendees.