The Fourth of July is upon us, that special time of the year where you can celebrate your freedom the American way – by blowing stuff up and drinking your weight in Patriot Beer. To help with the festivities, the infamously star-spangled Independence Day content is returning to GTA Online all week long at a discounted rate through July 9th, with 40% off the following:
- Vapid Liberation
- Western Motorcycle Company Sovereign
- Musket
- Firework Launcher & Fireworks
- Star Spangled Banner Horns
- Patriot Tire & Parachute Smoke
- Stars N Stripes Facepaint
- Independence Day Clothing, haircut, Masks & Outfits
- MOC Liveries
- Independence Day MK II Weapon Liveries

If you signed up to the Guest List by logging in to GTA Online between June 25th and July 2nd, your first round of exclusive rewards is now available in the form of the Orange Wireframe Bodysuit and a cool GTA$300,000. Simply log in between now and July 9th to claim the ultimate neon bulge-hugging party outfit and a nifty cash bonus. All GTA$ will be deposited in Maze Bank accounts no later than July 9th.

And the Guest List continues to have its perks. Come back to GTA Online between July 10th and July 16th to expand your exclusive glowing bodysuit collection with the Pink Wireframe Bodysuit and an additional GTA$100,000.

A flexible moral compass is your greatest asset this week as we’re extending Double GTA$ payouts on ALL Smuggler’s Run, Special Cargo and Bikers Sell Missions. Whether you’re delivering cargo from on high, running crates or pushing product, there’s something for everyone as we celebrate the wonders of capitalism together.

The American Dream is alive and well in Los Santos and soon your criminal businesses will have the opportunity to launder dirty cash through Nightclub businesses. So turn your fledgling enterprise into a bustling empire by acquiring and jumpstarting these businesses:
- Hangars – 50% off
- Executive Offices – 50% off
- Special Cargo Warehouses – 50% off
- Biker Clubhouses & Businesses – 50% off
In addition, take 40% off all Facilities. And for the criminal on the go, we’re also extending last week’s sale on portable crime centers and fan-favorite vehicles. Through July 9th, join the 1% by taking 30% off:
- Mammoth Avenger & Renovations
- Mobile Operations Center & Renovation
- Vapid GB200
- Grotti X80 Proto
- Imponte Ruiner 2000 (Buy it now & Trade Prices)