EA Hosts Girls Who Code for 4th Annual Summer Immersion Program

EA Hosts Girls Who Code for 4th Annual Summer Immersion Program

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REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – June 18, 2018 – Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) announced its annual commitment to host Girls Who Code’s acclaimed seven-week Summer Immersion Program for the fourth consecutive summer this year. EA is thrilled to take part in Girls Who Code’s largest-ever expansion of its Summer Immersion Program, reaching thousands of girls through programs in 17 cities nationwide this summer. EA is proud to join companies such as Facebook, Ford, Intuit, and Twitter in the critical movement to close the gender gap in the computing and technology sector.

From June 18 through August 3, EA Outreach will host twenty girls at the Electronic Arts global headquarters in Redwood City. Through EA’s four-year commitment to date, over 400 girls were introduced to game design and encouraged to explore careers in tech. EA has already contributed over 1,000 volunteer hours to support the program. EA has committed to the Girls Who Code’s Hire Me Pledge, boasting the recruitment of 7 interns this year who are Girls Who Code alumni.

EA’s devotion to diversifying its talent and nurturing a strong inclusive environment is reflected through their partnership with Girls Who Code in providing access to computer science education to girls to encourage them into a thriving innovation economy and give families a real shot at the middle class. The seven-week Summer Immersion Program teaches young women – rising high school juniors and seniors – everything from mobile app development to robotics to web design, and participants will ultimately get a chance to see their products in real life. In addition to classroom education, girls in the program receive exposure to the world of computer science, with field trips to major companies in the media and technology fields, as well as meeting some of the top executives of technology companies. No prior coding experience is required.