Genetic Disaster Summer Update Coming Soon!

Genetic Disaster Summer Update Coming Soon!

Team8 Studio has announced a summer update for Genetic Disaster coming soon to Steam. The update adds new player vs. player (PvP) modes, a hard mode, and added localization in Russian and Chinese.

Genetic Disaster’s new PvP modes can be played multiple ways: 1v1, 2v2, or free-for-all. New modes include the following:

  • GUNS: A gladiator inspired arena that spawns random guns that can be played in multiple ways.
  • STOOL WARS: The only weapons in the arena are stools. Touch your opponent 3 times to win. No violence, just haters and braggers.

Additionally, Genetic Disaster’s hard mode will up the challenge for experienced players with more thought behind ammo management, life management and plenty more enemies. Oh, and faster bullets. Like, bullet-hell fast bullets.