Lexip for gamers with major announcements

Lexip for gamers  with major announcements

New tech being announced March 2nd at Noon!

This Friday
March 2nd
12:00 pm EST
Stream Link – http://bit.ly/2oxtw3o

The first ever 3D mouse made JUST for gamers.
We merged two joysticks into one mouse for the ultimate gaming experience.

Lexip for Gamers
Lexip has the ability to give you a competitive edge in your favorite games all while simplifying your gaming setup.

This is largely due to our mini joysticks, which are a complete miniaturization of full size, analog joysticks. Resulting in a natural feel with mechanical feedback and precision, just like those in the controllers you use every day. Thanks to its freedom of movement, gamers can explore more intuitive and competitive ways of playing their favorite games. Here’s how Lexip can enrich your gaming experience and improve performance in some of the most popular gaming genres:

Space Simulators – Space simulators like Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, Space Engineers and Kerbal Space Program benefit the most from Lexip. It was designed for 3D environments and because of that, it serves as both a mouse and flight stick in one. Complex, sustained maneuvers are now easy to perform all while keeping your other hand on the keyboard for quick shortcuts. Depending on your preference, you can control the pitch, yaw, and roll of your craft with either your thumb or your palm.

Building Games – For games like Minecraft, you can switch through your slots, weapons, and items by using the thumb joystick. In games where you build, such as BeSeige and Fortnite, Lexip allows for placement of objects with ease. This increases both the speed and precision with which you place down blocks, walls, and objects giving you both a competitive edge and a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Racing Games – For games like Minecraft, you can switch through your slots, weapons, and items by using the thumb joystick. In games where you build, such as BeSeige and Fortnite, Lexip allows for placement of objects with ease. This increases both the speed and precision with which you place down blocks, walls, and objects giving you both a competitive edge and a more enjoyable gaming experience.

First Person Shooters – Fans of FPS games will be able to use the internal joystick for intuitive left to right-leaning: perfect for Rainbow Six Siege and Arma 3. For other popular games such as Destiny and Call of Duty, Lexip allows you to switch loadouts, chain commands and control a full portion of your gaming experience without using any key bindings! The thumbstick can also be used for precise aiming and to control the level of magnification. Combine that with the precision gaming laser’s adjustable DPI (up to 8200) and speed/acceleration of 150ips/30G and you get a mouse that makes landing headshots easy.

First Person Shooters – Fans of FPS games will be able to use the internal joystick for intuitive left to right-leaning: perfect for Rainbow Six Siege and Arma 3. For other popular games such as Destiny and Call of Duty, Lexip allows you to switch loadouts, chain commands and control a full portion of your gaming experience without using any key bindings! The thumbstick can also be used for precise aiming and to control the level of magnification. Combine that with the precision gaming laser’s adjustable DPI (up to 8200) and speed/acceleration of 150ips/30G and you get a mouse that makes landing headshots easy.

MMOs and MOBAs – For MMO and MOBA players, Lexip’s joysticks can be configured to rapidly string together abilities, creating powerful combos. The precision gaming laser also helps with high actions per minute while the ergonomic design keeps your hand and wrist comfortable during intense play. Another way to use the mouse’s innovative joysticks is to manipulate your map. Testers discovered and made use of this in games such as League of Legends, you can scroll through the whole map simply by using the thumb joystick all while keeping full control over your team strategy.

Lexip for Pro Users – Lexip isn’t just a gaming mouse, its a mouse for designers, engineers and home/office power users too. The speed and precision of the mouse, along with its intuitive joysticks, will boost productivity no matter the application. Additionally, the ergonomic design will promote wrist and hand health as well as all-day comfort.

With Lexip, you can map the buttons and joystick to functions for each of your programs, quickly changing to that program’s macro to do things like copy and paste, navigate tabs/pages, and navigate 3D scenes/design spaces.