Debris Co-op mode is here

Debris Co-op mode is here

New Debris trailer below

Dive with a friend to discover the hazards of a surreal world locked below Arctic sea ice in today’s launch of the highly-anticipated co-op mode for first-person, narrative adventure game Debris from Moonray Studios. To celebrate the co-op release, Debris is discounted at 50% for one week.

Debris has you communicate with another player as you both struggle to navigate the Arctic sea ice and unravel what’s real and what are delusions (sometimes while playing one person will see/hear things that the other person can’t). Along the way you’ll run into horrifying creatures that will try to kill you.

Following the soft launch of its single player campaign in October of 2017, Debris’ co-op mode has players scrambling to find power for their lifesystems, defeat deadly creatures, and decipher what mysterious forces are attempting to prevent them from escaping. Designed based on the challenges facing those affected by psychosis and created with the help of medical professionals, Debris explores the interplay between perception and reality in an unconventional, narrative-driven co-op format. Players must negotiate each other’s choices as their realities drift further and further apart due to their own creeping psychosis.