A great cataclysmic war tore the world apart, but not only destruction followed in its wake. From the ruinous ashes rose Adra, a beautiful and wild world, untouched but also deadly. The players take up the role of one of 6 unique pioneers, mighty heroes each with their own strengths and abilities. Some of them were saved by an unknown power from the fierce fires of war, others are natives to this new World. Players must find other survivors, build a settlement and face off against the many dangers of Adra. Ultimately earning their place as a new civilization.
A great deal of effort was put into making the combat system in TOR feel unique and challenging.Tales of Resurrection wants to simulate the chaos and randomness of battle by implementing various new mechanics to the game. Monsters are drawn to the player which poses the greatest threat.
Making positioning of your characters crucial to your success and even if you can land a hit on the beast, the tide of battle can be turned by specially designed event cards, drawn after each hit.
If you pledge to supporting the kickstarter you will receive:
ToR-Core Game Content:
26 pages core rulebook
1 town map board
1 Board of Fate
30 monster cards
100 item cards
140 damage cards
125 skill cards
30 building cards
100 encounter cards
100 encounter-scavenging cards
4 unique battleboards
10 profession-cards
12 shroom-cards
7 butterfly-cards
9 book-cards
135 token
30 different monsters-standees 100-160mm
30 building tiles
16 custom dice
For all Deluxe Miniature backers:
The deluxe miniature box includes 6 hand-sculpted 28-54mm miniatures, playcard sets, token sets and artwork cards.
But there is more!
The Kickstarter campaign offers 8 Stretchgoals filled with awesome new content for all pledges and amazing new Miniatures exclusively for the Miniature-Pledge contributors.