The Infiltrator

The Infiltrator

This movie starts you off with action which is definitely a plus. Immediately you’re thrown into the world of an undercover agent, though you aren’t specifically told why they are undercover at the time. The movie keeps this pace throughout and constantly picks up the intensity where needed. But then again I suppose that is how a thriller is supposed to work. Overall this movie was great and kept me captivated throughout. With the killer cast I had high hopes and the movie lived up to these hopes. The movie’s pace was rather perfect even though it jumped around from time to time it kept the story flowing. The same can be said about the development of Robert “Bob” Mazur’s character. His character grows more and more intense as the move grows in intensity. By the time the movie concluded I was left wanting more. It honestly sucked that the story ended.


The special features helped with this urge for more by adding tons more content. From the audio commentary edition to the deleted scenes. My favorite always tends to be deleted scenes, but this one had a close second with the “How to Infiltrate” portion that goes through the steps that the movie took in a quicker pace. It discusses the basics of the movie itself and what it really takes to infiltrate as an undercover agent. It also contains commentary from the real Robert Mazur which is awesome.