Red Sonja Queen of Plagues

Red Sonja Queen of Plagues

Official synopsis
Red Sonja, the She-Devil with a sword, intends to pay back a blood debt owed to the man who has gained her respect…. even if it means leading doomed army to their certain deaths! Who is Dark Annisia, and how has this fearsome warrior accomplished what neither god nor demon has been able to do: force Sonja to her knees in surrender? An epic tale of blood, lust, and vengeance, Queen Of Plagues takes Red Sonja from the depths of her own grave to the heights of Battlefield glory.
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Red Sonja is a badass warrior, the whole film she is either killing someone in war or drinking. Red Sonja is given what is believed to be the plague and then exiled off to die a slow and painful death. However, she thought she’d seek revenge before she dies. Her two body guards are all she has when she is exiled and somehow they kept Red Sonja alive long enough to make it back in order to get the “cure” for the Plague. It turns out Red Sonja was given the “fake plague” and fights back harder than ever.
Besides the story line I will give credit towards the animation. The whole film is in a comic book panel format which is new to me. The characters are bright and vibrant some being humans and others just odd monster-like figures. I didn’t feel as though the voice-overs really matched the character’s appearance, and the dialogue is very modern and did not match the era the film seemed to be portraying. Looking at the technical aspects of the film it is very successful. I mentioned before how the story line and dialogue weren’t really convincing, what I would do to fix that is completely remove the comic relief and make the film completely action and adventure. I would also make the voice-overs less happy, it slightly changes the feel of the film.
Special Features:
-Featurette Including Brand-New Interviews
This Blu-ray, DVD combo pack includes exclusive interviews with the writer Gail Simone. Simone furthers the interview and just provides insight into where the idea came from for the story as well as other interviews from the cast.
I really enjoyed the animation of the film it is very Adult Swim and modern, but the dialogue could’ve been less cheesy. What makes it cheesy are the jokes that are sort of corny but you can definitely see what the writer is going far as far as humor. It is not a film for everyone but I would still suggest Red Sonja Queen of the Plagues if you are really into comics.