Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Official Synopsis:
“Roy’s young son, Alton, has mysterious powers coveted by religious extremists. On the run, the two escape in the night, and as the chase escalates into a nationwide manhunt involving the highest levels of government, Roy will risk everything to help Alton find his ultimate purpose…whatever that may be. Critically acclaimed writer/director Jeff Nichols explores faith and the bonds of love and trust in this provocative film that is as supernatural as it is intimately human.”

Midnight Special is a powerful film with themes extending in every direction. Although it classifies itself as a science fiction film, it is so much more than that; it is a film about faith, family, and sacrifice. Faith seeming to be the more prevalant theme, not religious faith particularly, but faith in something greater than yourself, and explores the dangers of it, and the rewards.

I was once in a writing workshop in which a colleague tried to demonstrate his critique of someone’s story by holding up his hands and overlapping them. “Your story is like this.”, he said. “It needs to be more like this.”, and he spread his hands out like a fan to make it look like tree roots spreading out in every direction. Although I’m not sure he quite knew how to articulate his thoughts and everyone laughed at his illustration, I can’t help but think back to the hands spreading out when I think of Midnight Special. It spreads its roots so deeply without you ever realizing it, and it stays with you days after watching it. Always the mark of a good film.

Jeff Nichols has consistently proven himself to be a powerful writer and director, with films such as Mud and Take Shelter. These films explore the human condition and themes extending below the surface, much deeper than the majority of films today. His stories are always captivating, and I was very excited to see that he wrote and directed this film.

Do I even need to mention the caliber of acting to expect in this? The Nichols/Shannon team has brought us many great collaborations, including one of my favorites, Take Shelter, which I consider to be one of Michael Shannon’s best performances. Shannon delivers a powerful performance here as well, and I hope to see more collaborations between these two in the future. Joel Edgerton has always been all over the place with a wide spectrum of talent being able to basically play any character. I’ve always thought he was a capable actor, even more so after seeing The Gift, which he wrote, directed and starred in. Edgerton holds his own next to Shannon, bringing an equally powerful performance himself. Kirsten Dunst and Adam Driver excel as supporting characters. Dunst especially, as this role seems to be a bit different from the types of films we normally see her in.

Midnight Special is truly something unique and plays to so many different people, first and foremost, the father. The journey this family takes, especially not knowing the outcome and the fate that awaits their son is inspirational, and demonstrates how believing in something bigger than yourself is the greatest reward.

Midnight Special is presented in 1080p High Definition 2.4:1. Levels are quite good, with no grain or defects noticed. The majority of the film takes place at night, hence ‘Midnight’ in the title. Given this challenge, lighting is done quite well, giving the film a certain tone that works throughout. Indeed, a lot can be said about the presence of light or lack thereof, as the film gets gradually brighter as the film progresses.

Audio is presented in DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1. Levels are good, with majority of the sound coming from dialogue from the center channel. Surrounds are utilized very well in some of the more action-intense scenes.

Special Features
Unfortunately, there isn’t much on the disc for those who want to delve deeper into the making of the film. There are two very short featurettes on this disc that explore some of the creative decisions behind Midnight Special. Although I would have been interested in something more given such a deep and powerful film, I am grateful there is anything on here at all. On this disc you’re going to see:

Origins: Roy, Sarah, Lucas, Servier and Alton
The Unseen World

If I haven’t said it enough already, Midnight Special is such a powerful film that will leave you awestruck for days to come. Films like this are few and far between these days, and it is so refreshing to see something unique that is both otherworldly and hits home all at the same time. Do yourselves a favor and pick this up as soon as it’s available.