COTU announces “Orcs must live”, their largest campaign targeted at raising awareness about violence and discrimination

Portland, Oregon – April 22, 2016 – The Center for Orc Tolerance & Understanding today announced “Orcs Must Live!”, their largest campaign ever targeted at raising awareness about violence and discrimination against orcs in mass media.
Editors: We are sending this on behalf of COTU. Because it’s the right thing to do.



Center for Orc Tolerance & Understanding Sends a Message to the Videogame Industry During Annual PAX East Event in Boston, Massachusetts.

Portland, Oregon – April 22, 2016 – The Center for Orc Tolerance & Understanding today announced “Orcs Must Live!”, their largest campaign ever targeted at raising awareness about violence and discrimination against orcs in mass media. The campaign kick-off was accompanied by an emotionally stirring public service announcement that you can watch here:

“For too long, we’ve seen orcs propped up as cannon fodder in videogames and movies. We have scientific evidence that shows that over time, this has caused a sort of desensitization against orc pain and suffering,” explained COTU Director Lief Greenbran. “In extreme cases, we’ve seen humans lash out against orcs on-sight, as if driven by some sort of primitive instinct to attack. It is, simply put, unacceptable.”

The videogame industry in particular has long used orcs as disposable enemies, supporting research about the causes of human on orc violence. It’s with this in mind that COTU plans to protest the PAX East videogame convention in Boston, Massachusetts this weekend, April 22 – 24, 2016. COTU representatives will be on site along with several orcs, raising awareness about volunteer opportunities and handing out literature to educate gamers about appropriate ways to engage with orcs when they are encountered in public places.


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About COTU – The Center for Orc Tolerance and Understanding is an organization dedicated to helping orcs and humans live together in harmony. The tradition of humans versus orcs has long bred hatred, bloodshed, and violence – but COTU helps to mediate the conflict and make everyday life better for all peoples, green or not. For more information about COTU and the Orcs Must Live! initiative, visit, or follow COTU on Facebook and Twitter.