Death Becomes Her

Death Becomes Her

This is a story about two narcissistic women that find a way to become immortal and youthful forever. These women at first are best friends but then driven to be bitter enemies after one woman steals the other’s fiance, which makes their rivalry grow and intensify.

Death Becomes Her portrays a woman played by Meryl Sheep who steals her best friend’s fiance, played by Bruce Willis. The other women is played by Goldie Hawn. Willis is a very well respected plastic surgeon, while Sheep is a profound, beautiful actress. Willis is at a party when he is confronted and seduced by Sheep and Willis decides to leave Hawn to marry Sheep.

Seven years go by, and Sheep is still an extremely successful and still beautiful actress. Willis, though, has not maintained the same type of success. His career goes slightly down hill when he becomes relegated to helping dead people look better for their funerals. Hawn looks even worse at this point. She has gained weight and has essentially gone crazy. At one point, she is seen sitting on her couch eating ice cream with her hands watching Sheep play a character on TV who is being choked to death. Hawn begins to rewind the scene over and over and her landlord and the police charge in because she has refused to pay rent for what is implied to be a very long time.
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After another fourteen years, after Hawn has been through therapy and has constructed a plan of revenge against Sheep for stealing her fiance, Willis and Sheep, whose marriage has gone straight to hell, discover they have been invited by Hawn to a party. Sheep is constantly cheating on Willis and Willis is an extreme alcoholic. They decide to go, where they find Hawn to miraculously be beautiful and young, even though Sheep claims that Hawn is actually fifty years old! This leads Sheep to feel old and ugly, and this feelings becomes magnified when Sheep finds one of her lovers with a younger, more beautiful woman.

This leads Sheep to find a woman who claims to have a potion that will solve all of Sheep’s problems. She demonstrates by slightly stabbing one of Sheep’s fingers and placing just a little bit of the potion inside the wound, where miraculously Sheep’s hand and fingers begin to change into younger-looking hands and fingers. Amazed, Sheep pays what is implied to be a large sum of money for this potion, drinks it, and becomes young-looking.

On the flip side of this, Hawn has taken advantage of Willis’s weak emotional state due to his failing marriage and alcoholism and seduced and convinced him to kill his wife, stating to him it is the only way he can leave her to be happy and keep his money at the same time. Although Hawn has not found out that Sheep has all of a sudden become immortal. This leads to a series of events that spark up their renewed rivalry.

Overall, it was a silly movie with a lot of dark humor to it. The movie is clearly not meant to be taken seriously as a horror or scary movie, as there are several moments where the audience can enjoy a laugh. The plot line is rather cheesy, however it is not a story that is so bad that it will put the audience to sleep. An audience can definitely stay interested in this movie throughout its entirety. However, there are several times throughout the film the audience might be laughing at the film, rather than with it. 

Enough about the movie — it’s time to look at the special features!

Special features:
The making of Death Becomes Her
Vintage Behind-the-Scenes features
Photo gallery
Original theatrical trailer

The special features of this blue-ray does not offer very much, to be quite honest. The making of the movie and the behind-the-scenes features can be interesting to those who enjoy seeing those sorts of things, however there is nothing special about what is offered in the special features. A couple of interviews about the why some decisions were made, how were they made, and who made them is the jist of the making of the movie and the behind-the-scenes features. The photo gallery simply has a few pictures that can be viewed and the original theatrical trailer is just the original trailer for when the movie was coming out in theatres.