White of the Eye

White of the Eye

Official Synopsis:
“If you’re a wealthy, attractive woman, stay out of Arizona, because you are fair game. A twisted killer is on the loose and he tortures and dissects his beautiful victims as part of a primitive Indian ritual. All the clues lead to one man who is clearly innocent. But nothing is as simple as black and white in White of the Eye.

David Keith (An Officer And A Gentleman, Firestarter, Daredevil) and Cathy Moriarty (Raging Bull, Casper) star in this shocking mystery-thriller co-written and directed by Donald Cammell (Demon Seed and co-director of Performance). The film also features an eclectic score by Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) and Rick Fenn (10cc).”

Primal, raw, visceral, are all terms that come to mind when viewing White of the Eye. Years ahead of its time, White of the Eye is a brilliant psychological thriller that seems more like a work of art than a film. The filming style, the still images and jump cuts give this film an artistic quality and style all its own.

This style is what is so unique about White of the Eye. The director, Donald Cammell, did some really amazing things, some that worked and some that didn’t. His creativity and willingness to experiment with new techniques is what sets this film apart from the rest. Those interested in this aspect of filmmaking should definitely check him out, as his work seems to be tragically under-appreciated before his suicide in 1996.

Thanks to Scream Factory, his work may find new life, as White of the Eye is the definition of a psychological thriller. It takes so many twists and turns and leads to an explosive ending that will shake you to your core.

White of the Eye is presented in 1080p 1.85:1 from a new high definition transfer from the original camera negative. At the beginning of the film there is a disclaimer about the transfer. One of the experimental effects used by Donald Cammell was a bleach bypass intended to give the scenes a higher contrast. This has caused excessive grain in the scenes that have undergone this process. That being said, the transfer is quite good despite the grain issue. The artistic style he has chosen is well respected, in my opinion, and though it may not look the best, the intention of the director remains intact.

The audio on the blu-ray disc is presented in DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and a DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track. The 5.1 track sounds phenomenal, utilizing a a full range between the score and effects. The score itself is impressive, and definitely needs to be heard in 5.1.

Special Features
Scream Factory really delivers with the list of special features included on this disc. The interviews are all very interesting, and the common theme is the under-appreciated genius of Donald Cammell. All well worth a watch to get some more insight on the process of the film and this intriguing director.

Into the White with Cinematographer Larry McConkey
Into the Vortex with Actor Alan Rosenberg
Eye of the Detective with Actor Art Evans
Deleted Scenes with Commentary by Sam Umland
Alternate Credit Sequence
Bleach Bypass Sequences

Many films label themselves a ‘psychological thriller’, but that meaning never held as true as it does for White of the Eye. This fascinating journey into madness will be something you won’t forget.