Marvel Knights: Wolverine Weapon X: Tomorrow Dies Today

Marvel Knights: Wolverine Weapon X: Tomorrow Dies Today

Wolverine Weapon X Tomorrow Dies Today is an animated comic series which follows the story of Deathloks, cyborgs from the future sent to kill heroes in the present time. Throughout the series we flash from the present to the future, seeing how one affects the other, and best of all, what has become of the heroes that we know and love. It’s basically a cross between Terminator and Marvel. Who wouldn’t want to see this?

First of all, let me confess that I don’t read comics. I honestly couldn’t even tell you why. I love the lore. I’ve seen all the movies, played a lot of the games, even browsed the Marvel and DC Wikipedia on occasion to learn more about someone’s backstory. There is an enormous wealth of story, character, and all around entertainment, one of the reasons why I think I never decided to start reading comics as a child; I didn’t know where to begin. It’s very intimidating having all of that out there with no one to tell you the best starting point. With all these offshoots and different storylines, it made me even more hesitant to start my journey into the comic world, even to this day.

The introduction into Marvel Knights is, what I consider, a good starting point for myself. When I researched the series I read that this series employs ‘evergreen events’. Basically, all that lore you spent years reading can mean nothing, because the writers will challenge everything the reader knows by making something totally unexpected happen. This type of self-contained series works out well for a beginner such as myself. I can learn stuff from the Marvel Universe that I didn’t know, such as Bucky Barnes taking over the role of Captain America; and be shown new things that stay contained in this series, like how many heroes die in the future.

If you’re like me, a fan of the characters who hasn’t taken the plunge into the inked pages yet, this series is a good place to start. I also think that the people who do read comics will enjoy this as well. To you, seeing Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, and Wolverine fight side by side may be nothing new, but to those of us who have confined ourselves to the silver screen this is something we may never see.  It was very exciting, and opens an entire new world of possibilities.

There really isn’t much to say about the quality of the video. It’s an animated comic; it’s supposed to look rough just like it was drawn. The animations are good, the color, and from what I’ve seen from the comic book itself, the illustrator did a good job transferring his illustrations to animation.

Most of your sound will be coming out of the center channel. A lot of ambient sound and effects will come from the surrounds, they are all very crisp and clear, and add to the experience.

Brand-New Retrospective Looking Back at Tomorrow Dies Today with Ron Garney is the only bonus material included on the disc. The illustrator of the story talks briefly about the origins of the series and his process in transferring it from page to screen. It’s interesting, but like I said, brief. I would have liked to see a bit more extras included with this.

Overall I really enjoyed this DVD.  The story, voice acting, animation all are unique and entertaining. I definitely look forward to future Marvel Knights titles, and delving deeper into the Marvel Universe.