E3 2013 – Killzone Shadow Fall

E3 2013 – Killzone Shadow Fall

Missions include multiple objectives that you can complete in whatever order you would like. During the demo I watched, Kellan, the main character, had a small UAV he could control. It seemed to have infinite ammo and could also deploy a small shield that Kellan could hide behind. It could also create zip-lines for Kellan to navigate the environment easier. I believe it was also the device that would ‘ping’ the environment for enemy signatures. Oddly, it seemed like the Helghast would not target the UAV, but this game is still a work in progress.

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One part of the demo had a Helghast that could cloak and it looked amazing — actually the entire demo did, but I think my favorite effect or visual overall was the cloaked Helghast whose wavy, transparent shroud was a lot like the Predator. It’s a stunning game to look at and it looks like it will become a FPS fan’s must have for PS4 sometime next year.
