E3 2013 – inFamous: Second Son

E3 2013 – inFamous: Second Son

inFamous: Second Son is the third installment of the popular PS-only Sucker Punch series. This one takes place in Seattle, where most of the developers actually live. The presenter said they wanted to have an interesting environment that could also benefit from the increased horsepower of the PS4. He mentioned the Space Needle and the amount of rainfall Seattle gets as two additional reasons for putting the game in this city.

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inFamous: Second Son stars Delson and his older brother Reggie, who is a cop. The primary enemy force are the Department of Unified Protection (DUP) who are a government agency. Their job is to squash out any super humans. While not shown, we were told that one day Delson was pulling such a human from a fire or otherwise out of some peril, when he somehow contracted that super human’s powers. Delson will eventually get several such power sets, but the Smoke  one was the only one they talked about or showed. One ability Delson had from this was being able to zip through vents from the tops of roofs to near ground level, or vice versa. Delson used a flame-infused chain that he swung in close range and also had this interesting ability to create a sort of tower-of-terrain underneath a single enemy to lift him up, damaging and or disorienting him and also making for a great visual effect in the process.

The DualShock4 controller’s touchpad was used to finish off the destruction of one of DUP’s mobile command centers, too. Second Son is due out Spring 2014 and is likely going to be one of the first must-have PS4 titles.
