E3 2013 – The Elder Scrolls Online

E3 2013 – The Elder Scrolls Online

We got to play some of the PC version after the presentation. I actually don’t play any MMOs and I haven’t played an Elder Scrolls game — but it wasn’t hard to get started in Elder Scrolls Online and I can see the appeal of it rather quickly. That said, I don’t really understand the significance of a lot of the lore that is available to players right from the beginning with the character creation system. Very brief explanations are given as you hover over the different classes and alignments, but unfortunately the appreciation for these is all but lost with me. Still, I was able to surmise that this is shaping up to be a very well built and insanely deep experience. Of note, the game will support some 200 simultaneous players engaged in a large PVP battle.

The developers did say that you can play this entire game all the way through without going online, but that it was intended to be played with others, co-operatively and competitively. Could ESO finally be the game that challenges the great WoW for its throne? Given the Elder Scrolls’ incredible following, you can bet ESO will be adopted quickly. No word on a release date, but I would suspect holiday 2014, but that’s just a guess.
