E3 2013 – Destiny

E3 2013 – Destiny

That said, a crew of seven developers were all playing Destiny together on the PS4. It began with just one player, who also talked about the game in more general terms. You play as a Guardian of the last safe city on Earth. If you can complete your missions and help save this city and turn the tide of the war, you might become Legend. Anyway, as seen in previously released videos, the gameplay starts in a large outdoor desert-like area. Turns out this area is called “Old Russia.” Within moments, player two drops in and together they go into a building. Player 1 releases Ghost, that cool bluish light orb that moved around in the Sony presser video. Ghost actually has a voice and seems very aware — he talks to the players as he goes in search of, and quickly repairs, the lighting system in the building.

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After he turns the lights on, and admits he may have turned on too many, he tells the two players that they need to take care of the new Fallen soldiers that have just showed up. These are dispatched in short order, and not just with guns. In one brief scene, one player leaps up high into the air and fires a “magic” blast of energy at a few enemies. I’m not sure what this ability is called, he performed it maybe twice throughout the demo but didn’t explain it. After the duo defeats the brute that pops out of the large drain pipe (again, see the video used at the Sony presser), they go outside. We see a new keyword, “Public Event” as a massive enemy dropship passes overhead. Moments later, all seven players are in action, battling a massive amount of allen, including a Devil Walker which has a red (big) HP meter. Upon defeating this, the demo ends and we were asked to GTFO (politely, of course).

I was hoping to ask if Destiny is going to support split screen play with just two players, but no questions were being taken. Suffice to say right now it looks amazing, both in terms of presentation and gameplay, including what little we can make of the story and the possible Borderlands-ish weapon and upgrade system.