The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2

We all knew it wouldn’t last forever, but how depressing it truly is to realize we have finally reached the end of the epic Edward, Bella, and Jacob love triangle. It pains me greatly to say goodbye to it all. I am once again left with the haunting emptiness I felt when I turned the final page of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I guess we will all just have to do what I did then…Start all over! Now we can all do just that and watch the saga over and over again without waiting a year in between.

This film was by far the best of the saga. I adore the story line and writing more than I can express. The love story is beyond healthy by all means and more consuming than any other I’ve read since Wuthering Heights. Yet, it continues to draw you in and hold you captive. If the love story/triangle wasn’t enough to make you fall head over hills in love, the characters were. Edward, dreaming, Jacob, heartthrob, Bella, oddly funny, Charlie, hysterical, and this list goes on and on. The characters in the film were all amazing and the acting for the most part was fairly decent. Some of the acting was much better than others, but I also think that has a lot to do with the type of characters they all were playing. Every single actor had huge shoes to fill. It is pretty hard to measure up to millions of ideas each fan has already created in their mind. If you stop and look at the big picture and the saga as a whole and constant change in direction, the actors all did an amazing job. I say hats off to the lot of them.

The Twilight is now complete and is available to be enjoyed countless times in high definition. Is there really any other way to watch those gorgeous sparkling vampires and ripped werewolves?? I didn’t think so. Everyone needs the blu-ray version. If you don’t own a blu-ray player, now would be the perfect time to invest in one. It all makes perfect sense really. Blu-ray equals more gorgeous vamps! See my logic?

Besides all the beautiful vampires and werewolves to look at in high definition, there are also many other perks with this release. The sound quality is outstanding and makes for a very focused and easy listening experience. The coloration of Part 2 was a bit different from the rest of the films. This struck me as odd seeing how Part 1 & 2 were both filmed at the same time. Part 2 appeared to be saturated with very warm and red hues. I don’t recall noticing this as much with Part 1 and I watched them back to back. The blues throughout were also very prominent as they were during the first part of the film. I really thought the colors were pleasing to the eye.

Additional Perks to the blu-ray release are the digital copy and ultraviolet availability of the film. Not only can you watch at home, but you can take Twilight everywhere using either iTunes for digital copy or Ultraviolet using Cloud. Oh so many ways to enjoy the sparkly things in life.

Special Features
-Audio Commentary with director Bill Condon
-Full Length Documentary (7 Parts)
-Picture-In-Picture capabilities
-Jump to… (I’m not really sure this is a necessary feature but it adds a little something extra. There is a Jump to Edward and Jump to Jacob feature. You can actually choose to only watch the scenes they involved in. So I guess if you really had it bad you could simply watch your favorite lead and forget the rest. Ok it is sounding a little better now that I think about it.)
-Forever: Filming the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
-Filming 2 Movies at Once
-Music Video: Green Day “The Forgotten”

There were several great features included on this disc. I was very pleased by the ‘making-of’ documentary. There was a lot of very interesting information packed into the extras. I always enjoy the interviews with the actors. You get to see how they reacted and related to their characters. It can have quite and impact on your own reaction to the character in the films. For example, I actually like Kristen Stewart a little bit more after watching her making of sections and listening to her interviews. There is always a better understanding of the filming and directing process after watching it all in action. It baffles my mind to think of all the man hours and creative detailing that actually goes into it all.