The Flap Jaw Space Power Rankings – Episode 52

Welcome to the Flap Jaw Space Power Rankings (text edition), a written recap of the dynamic perversion and informal melee that unfolded on the previous episode of Flap Jaw Space: The Digital Chumps Podcast. Power Rankings is a running segment where we continually update the ten best games of 2012 every episode. If you’re new, there’s quite a bit of nuance and havoc that goes into these deliberations, most of which you can read about in the origin story here. The important thing to remember is that Chris had this idea approximately one (1) week before the similarly themed concept from Polygon. So, without further delay,


Going in:

1 – Journey, as played on PlayStation Network by Chris, Eric and (somewhat begrudgingly) Steve

2 – Fez, as played on Xbox Live Arcade by Chris, Steve, and Eric

3 – Awesomenauts, as played on PlayStation Network by Chris and Eric

4 – Xenoblade Chronicles, as played on Wii by Eric

5 – Mass Effect 3, as played on Xbox 360 by Chris and Eric

6 – Trials Evolution, as played on Xbox Live Arcade by Chris and Eric

7 – Pushmo, as played on 3DS by Steve

8 – Twisted Metal, as played on PlayStation 3 by Eric

9 – Syndicate, as played on Xbox360 by Chris and Eric

10 – Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs attack, as played on PlayStation Network by Chris and Steve

Up for Nomination:

Datura (PSN)

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II (XBLA)

Mario Tennis Open (3DS)

Mincraft (XBLA)

Diablo III (PC)

Going out:

1 – Diablo III, as played on a Personal Computer by Chris and Steve

2 – Journey, as played on PlayStation Network by Chris, Eric and (somewhat begrudgingly) Steve

3 – Awesomenauts, as played on PlayStation Network by Chris and Eric

4 – Xenoblade Chronicles, as played on Wii by Eric

5 – Mass Effect 3, as played on Xbox 360 by Chris and Eric

6 – Fez, as played on Xbox Live Arcade by Chris, Steve, and Eric

7 – Trials Evolution, as played on Xbox Live Arcade by Chris and Eric

8 – Pushmo, as played on 3DS by Steve

9 – Twisted Metal, as played on PlayStation 3 by Eric

10 – Syndicate, as played on Xbox360 by Chris and Eric

Recap: The King is dead. Long live the King. Despite a miserable launch Diablo III exploded out of the gate and toppled Journey’s two month reign at number one. Like most of rational humanity, both Steve and Chris harbored a certain fondness for Diablo II, and whether it was rooted in their adolescent addiction to isometric loot acquisition or because, damn it, it’s such a great experience; Diablo III seemed to pick up exactly where Diablo II left off. Steve is also apparently reviewing Diablo III, which explains why, among other things, the podcast we recorded five days ago is currently MIA and his legitimate surprise at learning E3 was less than two week away. Personally I don’t understand any of this because, like any good drug, the means to acquire it are too expensive i.e. my PC sucks. I do, however, recognize its profound effect on the mind-brains of my co-hosts; without any regret or sense of irony both declared they’d likely be enjoying Diablo III well into next winter.

In other news, neither Datura nor Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II managed to crack the top ten. Datura was a great idea compromised by fairly poor controls while a second episode of Sonic 4 was a curious disappointment and little else.

Minecraft nearly destroyed my life. After, I don’t know, twenty hours of building a glass palace in the sky I decided the process of mining and cooking sand felt a lot like work and, even though I was legitimately enjoying myself, I felt sort of rotten about the whole thing. There is an objective game there, sort of, but there was virtually no point in erecting a giant sky palace with lava pools and water columns if there wasn’t anyone else there to see it. There’s a riddle in there somewhere but rather than figure it out I abandoned ship.

I can’t remember what Steve said about Mario Tennis Open but the tagline in his review, “less is less,” should serve as a pretty good indicator of its strength, or lack thereof.

Tragedy of the week goes to Fez, which fell six spots in a power move by Chris. I didn’t argue, and since Diablo III came out before Steve could apply his alien intellect to its puzzles, he didn’t care to object.

In any case the Flap Jaw Space Power Rankings currently look extremely powerful. There are no more easy cuts, as every game that remains declares at least one impassioned champion. Given there aren’t really a whole lot of mega huge games coming out soon, not to mention a podcast format hiatus while we kill ourselves at E3, but that doesn’t mean something crazy from earlier in the year could sneak up on us. Smart money is on Steve with Kid Icarus however I plan on giving the critically maligned I am Alive a shot soon, not to mention the first retail game I’ll buy for my Vita in Gravity Rush.

Who knows what will happen?!? Check back in hopefully under a month.

Previous Power Rankings: Episode 50 | Episode 51

Eric Layman is available to resolve all perceived conflicts by 1v1'ing in Virtual On through the Sega Saturn's state-of-the-art NetLink modem.