Flap Jaw Space [Episode 51]

In the interest of condensation, we’re going to post new episodes here in blog format. That way, you can access all of Eric’s written recaps and other musing related to the podcast. The RSS feed will stay exactly the same, so you and the other millions (and millions) of Flap Jaw Space listeners do not have to update your aggregators and such. As always, thanks for listening to our idiotic blathering.

Despite the fact that we promise a free copy of The Witcher 2 (PC) at the beginning the podcast this week, we forget by the end. (I promise we’ll do it next week.) Aside from that, we’re talking updated Power Rankings this week, with special respect to Steve’s perspective on Fez. Also making appearances this week are the awesome Awesomenauts, Pushmo, The Darkness II, Super Monday Night Combat, and a little mop up duty from 2011’s backlog. Don’t forget your $200 sunglasses this week, because we’re shining the light of our untrained and unrefined idiotic opinions once again.

Find the latest episode on the RSS feed or go to iTunes.

Or, play the episode here: [Play Episode 51]

Please direct feedback, questions, and hate to eric@digitalchumps.com or follow us on Twitter.