The Klinggon Magnetic Earphone Cord Holder

The Klinggon Magnetic Earphone Cord Holder

Chances are if you’re part of the “iY” generation, you probably have those tiny white iPhone ear buds dangling from your ears (or you could be somewhere between X & Y and you’re just trying to look cool like me).  Either way, if that describes you, you’ve probably been quite frustrated when the analogue world knocks your earphone cord out of your ear hole.

What’s The Best Solution?

Manufacturers have tried and failed on many fronts.

First came clips. Like the clip you might find on a cheap lapel microphone, or even something as ugly as something which might be used to close a bag of potato chips. Microphone clips were about as stylish as that sweater you’re about to get for Christmas from Grandma. Nothing says “uncool” to the iPod generation quite like a standard earphone clip.

Some Manufacturers Tried to Skip the Whole Cord Thing Altogether.

Fail.  Well… the jury is still out there, but in my opinion Bluetooth headsets leave a lot to be desired. Sure if your device sports an advanced A2DP profile, if you have a spare couple hundred bucks laying around, if you don’t mind reduced sound quality and volume and most annoyingly if you don’t mind charging your headset… there are some viable Bluetooth wireless headsets available.

To date, I still haven’t found anything better than my favorite pair of Skullcandy earbuds. Plus, some scene kids just can’t part with the status symbol that says their parents paid too much for them to get a cellphone or MP3 player (I did break down and get the iPhone 4S this year).

So Back to The Original Dilemma

The real snag with earbuds is… they snag, a lot. I can’t make it 30 minutes on a treadmill without knocking my earbuds out at least once while working out. If I’m driving, my shoulder strap on my seat belt gets in the way.

I’ve tried routing the cord through my shirt, but any neck or arm movement causes my cord to shift and eventually I’m putting tension either on the socket or I’ve lost my earbuds.

This universal problem drives people NUTS!

The Solution

Thankfully, a couple designers spent several months researching and developing a solution for that which ails us. The Klinggon. The idea is to route the cord along the body, so that as you move you’re not pulling on the cord to remove it from your ears.

There were a few obstacles in design. The largest obstacle was keeping the Klinggon from damaging your clothes. Nothing would be worse than actual real damage on your overpriced “distressed” clothing while you nod your head and sip your latte, you hipster.

Several options from Velcro to other adhesives were explored, but finally a magnet was settled upon. Powerful neodymium magnets (the same kind that’s used in computer hard drives, and on the back of retail name tags and restaurant flair everywhere) are used in this design. The tremendous pull of these magnets will hold the Klinggon securely whether you sport it on your coolest flannel shirt, your favorite military jacket or your most ironic political t-shirt.

Stylish… Ooh La La

Because you’re unique, just like everyone else, you want something stylish. The dual step injection molded Klinggon is available in all sorts of fabulous, soft and rubbery colors.

While the website makes the Klinggon look like the size of a computer mouse, the Klinggon is actually no bigger than the first joint of a grown man’s thumb (actually smaller, if that man is Chuck Norris).  Just large enough to make your friends ask, “What the heck is that stylish little doomafloggie?” without being large or intrusive at all. Remember, this is to make life easier, not burden you down with more gear!

With funding raised, production has begun on the Klinggon. These little doodads should be popping up in trendy stores very soon. If you want to be extra cool, check out their website now while they’re still underground:  Klinggon