Green Lantern

Green Lantern

Green Lantern

The elite force of universal peace protectors, the Green Lantern Corps, has a new ‘man’ on the job. Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is the first human to ever be chosen by the Green Lantern ring. The otherwise responsibly impaired Hal has just been handed the fate of earth and the universe alike. He must quickly reign in his fear and new willfully powers to destroy the enemy Parallax before fear destroys the universe. 


Hal Jordan played by Ryan Reynolds was hands down my favorite part of the film. He is an outstanding actor. He brings a great deal of comedy to the film. He lightens it up so to speak. The plot is very neatly laid out, but the enemy Parallax is a little over the top. I realize this is a comic based film and I personal appreciated and enjoyed the comic feel of the entire film. I just did not care for the villain. Parallax/fear seemed to lack a sore of terror that would have made it more seem a more imminent threat. I don’t want to ruin the film by giving too much away, so I’ll just say the big “fight” scene was disappointing. I wanted something more. I do believe, “that’s it,” were my exact words.

The heroes were outstanding and all created beautifully but I just wanted more from them. They didn’t seem that tough after their supposedly weakest link ends up being their strongest in his first battle. However, I still really liked the Green Lantern Corps. I just thought they’d be involved more. Yet at the same time it really didn’t bother me that they weren’t involved a great deal in the end because Ryan Reynolds really was the star of this film. If it weren’t for him this film may have been a huge flop. Even with him it was only average.

The film looked pretty cool and sounded amazing. The CG looked great. The colorations and clarity were out of this world, literally. Although I wasn’t incredibly familiar with the characters I was impressed by the creation or the characters themselves. The creators seem to do an especially nice job with Kilowog and Tomar-Re. The only problem was the extent of it. There was so much of it involved that it stole a lot of the films charm and character. I was disappointed in the suit although I completely understand why they did it how they did. It really wouldn’t have worked with a real hero costume, but it impacted the feel of the film. I think that may have been part of the reason I wasn’t as drawn to Green Lantern like I was Batman and Superman. There appeared to be more believable to me. Possibly even more realistic, well as realistic as comic book heroes can be. Let’s face it, a guy in a green suit flying around using a power fueled by his will, although incredibly enticing and would be cool, but so not going to happen.

Special Features
Disc 1- DVD and Ultraviolet Digital Copy
Disc 2- Blu-ray with Theatrical and Extended Cut Versions of Film
-Maximum Movie Mode (Theatrical Version Only)
-Focus Points
-The Universe According to the Green Lantern
-Ryan Reynolds becomes the Green Lantern
-Deleted Scenes
-Justice League #1 Digital Comic

As always after watching the SF I have a greater respect for the film and possibly like it a little more. The effort that goes into the making of a film like this is unbelievable and very admirable. I didn’t really know much about the DC Comic character Green Lantern before watching the SF but now I feel like I’ve been through a rushed course of Green Lantern 101. The info on the comic was wonderful. The Maximum Movie Mode was really interesting. It is only available for the theatrical version of the film but still really worth watching. I would suggest only watching it after you have seen the film before. There are constant pop ups with tons on background info on the characters. There are also a lot of picture-in-picture commentary, featurettes, galleries, and storyboards. This is an outstanding special feature. All the features were really incredible and worth watching. They really add to the value of the film.

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