Fallout: New Vegas – Journal Entry #2

Hello and welcome to part two of a poorly written feature covering my time with Fallout: New Vegas. Rather than post extensive impression like I did for Fallout 3, I have decided to write from the perspective of my player character, DariusRucker. It’s 90% “his” point of view concerning intended plot elements, tomfoolery, horrible glitches, and random observations associated with New Vegas. Time stamps are according to the in-game calendar. It’s spoiler-ish; major stuff won’t be ruined but it does reference a good deal of content. This journal “starts” after I had been playing the game for maybe seven hours.


10/31/81, 11:45 AM – I don’t get Ghoul hate. Sure, those feral bastards will ruin your Saturday, but the civilized folk are perfectly fine human beings things. I know a lot of people who secretly hate Ghouls but maintain that, since they have “a Ghoul friend” that their hate is somehow justified. They’re racists, plain and simple.


10/31/81, 5:46 PM – Ran into a Ghoul cult, for which I have agreed to collect materials needed so they can ride a rocket into space or something. Dialogue options with their crazy non-ghoul friend Chris indicate I could possibly trick him into sabotaging the whole operation, but my speech level isn’t permitting me to do so. Damn my stupidity.


11/01/81, 12:13 PM – I found a space helmet and I am never doing to take if off.


11/02/81, 8:28 AM – Caesar’s Legion, whom I have decided to kill at first contact, had a bunch of Powder Gangers (whom I also don’t like but whatever) tied up so I decided to murder Legionnaires and complete a quest. During the gun fight the captives actually got up and ran away, but then returned to their captive point and kneeled down in order for me to free them. How considerate.


11/02/81, 8:29 AM – Decided to instantly murder freed Powder Gangers. Didn’t like watching 40exp simply walk away.


11/06/81, 6:17 PM – Dude what the hell is with Novac? First off the body of the lady I murdered like a week ago is still there, minus her head and left arm. It’s still in the exact same spot as well. Worse, I was talking to Cliff Briscoe and he mentioned someone murdered Miss Crawford, so I told him I did it and he was shocked, but after that he didn’t seem to care. Meanwhile he eyeballs are slowly falling down the steps.


11/07/81, 12:16 AM – The crazy assholes in Vault 11 had a clearly labeled sacrificial chamber. I feel like an idiot for walking right into it. Cool setup though.


11/7/81, 5:46 PM – Killed some fiend named Driver Nephi. It gave me the option to rip off his head and add it to my inventory. Of course I did it, why the hell would anyone say no? I’ve been trying to collect heads and present them to other people for the last ten hours.


11/09/81, 12:12 PM – Killed some fiend named Violet and collected her head. I am glad this is becoming “a thing.”


11/02/81, 7:34 PM – Incinerated self about a dozen times before I figured out to throw a grenade at the gas leak in Vault 22. Didn’t consider possibility of getting door shut in time. Should have been obvious.


11/15/81, 7:00 AM – Had to ditch Veronica because she broke. She would stay in one place, refuse to fast travel with me, and then randomly show up and punch a guy in the head. When I left her she was standing in the armory of Vault 34 staring at the wall, and she’s probably still there. I had suspected she was a cyborg for a while.


11/22/81, 6:45 AM – Picked up a new companion, Cass. First thing she says is, “Shhh, we’re hunting shitheads.” I like her style


11/22/81, 9:07 AM – Whenever I kill someone in Freeside I always put the body in a burning barrel

Eric Layman is available to resolve all perceived conflicts by 1v1'ing in Virtual On through the Sega Saturn's state-of-the-art NetLink modem.