Fallout: New Vegas – Journal Entry #01

Hello and welcome to part one of a poorly written feature covering my time with Fallout: New Vegas. Rather than post extensive impression like I did for Fallout 3, I have decided to write from the perspective of my player character, DariusRucker. It’s 90% “his” point of view concerning intended plot elements, tomfoolery, horrible glitches, and random observations associated with New Vegas. Time stamps are according to the in-game calendar. It’s spoiler-ish; major stuff won’t be ruined but it does reference a good deal of content. This journal “starts” after I had been playing the game for maybe seven hours.


10/25/81, 4:55 AM – Met some sort of albino woman, Ranger Ghost, in the Mojave Outpost. She gave me a mission, but didn’t seem interested in following me anywhere. To remedy this I shot her in the back and, luckily, her head came off. I proceeded to take her head around the camp in an attempt to show it to people, but was quite puzzled when no one cried foul, or even seemed the least bit interested. Reloaded save.


10/25/81, 7:30 PM – Farmer in the town with a giant fake dinosaur told me one of his Brahmins was getting killed every night at midnight. Waited around until midnight, where I witnessed a small black tornado materialize into a giant blue mutant that looked like one of those things from Avatar. It also had stealth technology, but I managed to repeatedly shoot it in the head until it died. Found cool minigun on body. Farmer seemed pleased.


10/25/81, 11:55 PM – Looked at Pipboy and then wound up at the cross media bar.


10/26/81, 3:04 AM – Stumbled upon Powder Gang camp near the Nipton Road Pit Stop. Shot and killed everyone and then slept in one of their beds. Woke up a few hours later and decided to neatly stack all of their bodies in the camp fire. A few were missing their heads but I don’t think it mattered since the bodies were somehow never set ablaze by a flame that otherwise seemed to be eternal (fascinating in and of itself).


10/26/81, 4:55 PM – Convinced foolish NCR I was one of them and got into Helios One. Ran into idiot scientist who gave me pass codes to satellite uplinks. Might have found some sort of mega-weapon, access of which involved slaughtering dogs. Going to try and use it on self or them but outstanding moral implications has delayed this process. Decision to come later.


10/27/81, 8:10 PM – Ran into a girl named Veronica who wants to travel with me. She’s in the Brotherhood of Steel! Excellent, now maybe I can take down some of the shit that’s been kicking my ass.


10/28/81, 10:06 AM – Stumbled into Black Rock Cave, which was actually a Nightkin hovel. Discovered a Nightkin is probably the blue thing I killed earlier. I would have been brutally murdered here had it not been for Veronica, who slaughtered them all despite being set on fire for duration of fight.


10/28/81, 11:58 AM – Went back to hotel I rented in Novac to drop off the awesome weapons I got from killing Nightkin. Discovered all the stuff I had stored in my room missing. Theft possible, but glitchy game likely to blame.


10/28/81, 6:36 PM – Well, sending Veronica in to Scorpion Gulch to deal with huge Giant Radscorpions was probably a bad idea. She’s currently unconscious, here’s to hoping she gets up soon because there’s no way I can deal with these things.


10/28/81, 6:56 PM – After briefly levitating, which looked suspiciously like broken animation, Veronica got up and appears to be fine.


10/29/81, 7:42 AM – Literally fell into this place called Hidden Valley. Found a bunker with graffiti all over it. Went inside and to my immediate surprise, Veronica goes to an intercom, says something about a password, and a voice talks back and unlocks a door. It appears to be some sort of underground fortress!


10/31/81, 12:08 AM – Nearly got No-Bark, a gentleman in Novac whom I suspect to be mentally retarded, killed. He talks of chupucabras and molemen, and I thought for sure he sold Boone’s wife into slavery. Nearly jumped the gun and turned him in, but luckily I discovered it was someone else. When the correct person was murdered in front me I tried to drag the body up some steps in an effort to present it to its vengeful assailant, but stopped when it wouldn’t let me take it in the building. Much to my surprise/horror, when I walked back out of the building the blown off body parts had magically surrounded the body I had just drug for 100 yards. Took a nap, came back out and observed the town’s patronage walking over and around the body parts of this considerably prominent figure and paying absolutely no attention to it. Strange place, this Novac.

Eric Layman is available to resolve all perceived conflicts by 1v1'ing in Virtual On through the Sega Saturn's state-of-the-art NetLink modem.