EA Sizzles up Summertime with Six New Game Announcements

EA Sizzles up Summertime with Six New Game Announcements

Electronic Arts Inc. will unveil six new titles today at its annual Studio Showcase media event on its Redwood City campus.  These latest products from EA range from the whimsical to strategic, athletic to horrific.  EA will also be showcasing its strong digital initiatives.

The briefing can be viewed live exclusively at GameSpot at 1 PM PST on Tuesday, July 20.  Media will be able to get their hands-on the games and get face time with the game developers.  An appearance by San Francisco Bay Area NFL® athletes will showcase a new title from EA SPORTS™, also to be announced at the event.

“We’re proud of the games EA is releasing this year and pleased with the awards they won at E3,” said EA’s COO John Schappert. “Our Summer Showcase is dedicated to highlighting the progress on our games as well as announcing new titles, features and services.”