The Runaways

The Runaways

I Love Rock n Roll

I’m not exactly positive when the feeling of uncomfortable embarrassment for the characters turns into an admirable love, but it definitely happened somewhere along the way. It very well may have happened after I was rocked by a cherry bomb!

I’m not going to say it was a world shattering film or anything, but it definitely was good. I really enjoyed the inspiring story behind the film. It turned out to be quite enjoyable even though I didn’t even have any real interest in watching it to begin with. I’m actually very glad I did watch it. I was beginning to wonder how on earth Kristen Stewart got into the acting business. I really was dreading sitting through an hour and half of enthralling acting spasms. To my great surprise I was rather impressed with the acting in this film. It was very raw and real. There truly was a feeling of struggle throughout the entire film that was very believable and realistic. There wasn’t a lot of flare throw at it, just raw energetic entertainment.

Dakota Fanning was absolutely jaw dropping. She gave one heck of a performance. The struggle Cherie went through on the road and at home was heartbreaking and Fanning really seemed to put her heart into it. She was an excellent choice for the roll. Unexpected perhaps, but Ive never underestimated her abilities to act.

The direction and screenplay by Floria Sigismondi rocked! She really went all out with her wonderful eye for dramatic punk rock art. The picture captured was incredibly entertaining and edgy.

I loved the sound of the film. When watching The Runaways perform you really felt like you were in the middle of a concert, well almost, it wasn’t quite as loud. You know what I mean. The sound was coming at you from everywhere. The dialogue was easy to understand and decipher. The visual effects were impressive as well. I loved the dramatic coloration and costumes. The coloring was one you’d see in an 80s film, but with the quality of blu-ray. The upfront clarity balanced the fuzzed out background well, and the bright lighting added a great edge to the feeling of the film.

Special Features

-Commentary with Joan Jett, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning

-Behind the scenes look at making the film Plugged In: Making the Film and The Runaways

-Exclusive to Blu-ray movie IQ” + sync featuring The Runaways Playlist