Near Limitless Customization with All- New Devleop Diary for Blacklight: Tango Down

If choice of weapon truly says a lot about a person, then BlackLight: Tango Down, the fast paced, action-oriented downloadable game (DLG) coming soon for XBLA, PSN and PC, will offer something for every person on the planet – millions of times over. That is because the game’s immensely deep customization delivers literally trillions of different weapon combinations, that will satisfy even the most discriminating person. To provide insight into this unparalleled customization for this DLG, Ignition Entertainment today released a “Customization” Developer Diary, in which the masterminds at Zombie Studios show gamers the nitty-gritty behind the customization and how they can get the most combinations possible. This must-see diary takes players on a wild ride of options that has never before been seen in a downloadable game.

To make BlackLight: Tango Down the most personalized and realistic experience possible, Zombie Studios took weapons that are grounded in reality and pushed the technology years into the future to deliver advanced yet believable tools of destruction. Players will be able to change out 25 different weapon attributes that will make decisive differences in gameplay. Gunstocks affect kick and velocity of the player, scopes change zoom and accuracy while magazine size affects reload speed and number of bullets fired off at the online enemy. Additionally, ‘weapon charms’ add visual personality while giving small perks to the gun. With the six core weapon systems such as SMG, shotgun, sniper rifle and assault rifle there are literally trillions of different weapon combinations to make players and their guns the most envied partners online.

Get your early, inside look straight from the developers as they take you into the customization possibilities of BlackLight.