SEGA Launches Creative Video Contest as Sonic the Hedgehog Turns Nineteen

SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that they have launched a video contest to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 19th anniversary. Two lucky grand prize winners (one from America, one from the UK) will each receive a trip for two to Tokyo to visit SEGA Japan and meet the Sonic development team.
“In honor of the nineteenth anniversary of our favorite hedgehog, we wanted to find a special way to thank Sonic’s fans throughout the years,” said Haruki Satomi, executive vice president of SEGA of America. “We think this contest is a great way to give fans a chance to express their creativity, enthusiasm and support for Sonic.”
Over the course of the next two weeks, contestants can upload their videos showing their appreciation and love for Sonic the Hedgehog to YouTube and then submit them for judging on the official Sonic 4 Contest Page. Videos will be judged on creativity, entertainment and effort; the ten best will be chosen by SEGA and showcased on the official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 website.
Sonic fans and the entire SEGA community will then choose their favorite to win either the grand prize trip to Tokyo, or a prize of a 32 GB iPod touch®.
Think you’ve got the creativity to compete against the biggest Sonic fans out there? Learn more about the competition at