Impressions – Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes

I was unfortunate to not have played Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes before this year’s E3, despite the fact that the game came out on the DS last December. Due to my interest in the game, I was more than willing to check out the XBox Live/PSN revamped remakes of the title at Ubisoft’s booth. And, after talking to the delightful developers from Capybara games, I’m quite convinced that the title could be my next dose of gaming crack.

You see, the Heroes of Might and Magic series holds a special place in my heart and the fact that the game takes many aspects from the actual series was the first area that drew me in. However, the part that really sold me on the title was the comparisons to one of my other all-time-favorite series, Advance Wars. I’m a huge sucker for any stat based and/or strategy title and this one has a lot of both. Like an extremely high powered game of chess, Clash of Heroes seems to bring a strong strategy experience to the DS/XBox Live/PSN.

As for the XBox Live/PSN exclusive material, they basically mentioned that the game is an HD remake of its DS counterpart but that online multiplayer would be a major selling point. Though I haven’t yet experienced the game myself, I can see the appeal to playing one of these beefed up chess matches against someone across the country (or possibly the developers themselves). I don’t know if there are plans to create future titles in the series of Clash of Heroes but all I can hope for is that the Heroes of Might and Magic universe continues to live on (perhaps a Heroes of Might and Magic 6?). Nonetheless, Clash of Heroes will be hitting XBox Live/PSN later and I will get my hands on the game one way or another (purchased or received) for a proper review.