Impressions – Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-man is back in Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions. Unlike Friend Or Foe previously from Activision, Shattered Dimensions is a single player Spider-man game in which players get to control Spider-man in three different forms in four different realms. Playable versions of Spidey include the Amazing Spider-man, Noir, and 2099 ones.

Gameplay varies greatly between these different Spider-mans. The 2099 levels feature lots of high flying combat while falling from huge heights. 2099 is also more of a close range power hitter as opposed to the other two. As 2099, you can also use an advanced vision mode that was mentioned in the 2099 comics, allowing Spider-man to dodge multiple incoming attacks (i.e., the world slows down but you don’t).

The Amazing Spider-man levels looked great and gameplay style here is more about ranged web attacks. Amazing can also form his web into different objects, like a hammer to smash foes. Finally, the Noir Spider-man is all about sneaking. Based somewhat off of the recent Noir comics, Spider-man uses his ability to sneak and silently subdue foes from behind to survive. Similar to Splinter Cell: Conviction, a last known position marker is shown whenever Spider-man gets spotted in Noir. Also in similarity is how the world is mostly gray whenever you are in cover and brightly colored when you are not in cover.

We were told that while the game uses some familiar Spider-man characters, the stories themselves are new and not directly pulled from the comics. The main story here is to actually reclaim the four pieces of a supernatural tablet, with each piece having landed in a different dimension.

I thought Shattered Dimensions was looking pretty good and I look forward to playing the finished product later this year.

