Impressions – Quantum Theory

I played through the E3 demo of Tecmo’s Quantum Theory, a new third person shooter for the Xbox 360 and PS3. I didn’t get much out of the story for Quantum Theory, but two factions are involved in a war.

The E3 demo gets players right into the action. Along with a co-op AI partner, you must clear out part of a very organic looking area that is changing (a little) as you move through it. Action is primarily shooting from cover, very much like Gears of War. There is also a melee combat system that includes combo attacks.

Anyway, the demo had me working my way through a couple of long hallways with lots of enemies. I was able to experience several weapons, including a machine gun, chain gun, shotgun, grenade launcher, and razor blade launching weapon. Your reticle changes depending on what weapon you have selected, and you can carry up to three weapons at a time. Exchanging a weapon for one in the game world is as easy as walking over it and pressing down on the d-pad.

The health system is of the typical regenerative type, while ammo is gotten from ammo packs scattered throughout the game world. When you find an ammo pack, it gives you ammo for all of your weapons, not just one type.

Enemies in the demo included a few slow moving, melee focused ones and lots of smaller ones with a variety of ranged weapons. Firing from cover is really how the game was meant to be played it seems, as you can die quickly when running around outside of cover. Fortunately, you can evade with B and slide into and out of cover with A.

The demo concluded with boss fight. My AI partner and I had to expose this beast’s chest and shoot it before we could harm it.

Overall, Quantum Theory is pretty cool, but not terribly compelling at this point. There’s

still a lot of development time though, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens moving
