High Anxiety

High Anxiety

High Anxiety

Mel Brooks pays homage to the Master of Suspense in this 1977 nervous comedy, spoofing several of Alfred Hitchcock’s films. Mel Brooks plays Dr. Thorndyke, a renowned psychiatrists, who has just become the head of the Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous. The last head of the institute has suspiciously died of a heart attack. Strange things are happening around the institute and no one seems to be talking about them, but the doctor has taken notice, on some level. While Thorndyke battles his High Anxiety (fear of heights) he must evade accusations of murder and fight to save the asylum from traitorous hands.

A few of the classics from the great Hitchcock, such of Vertigo, Psycho, and The Birds make an appearance in the oddly nervous comedy. The Psycho was by far my favorite scene of the entire film. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very nicely played out. The other spoofs were funny too but nothing compared to that one. The Birds scene is actually really gross it you think too much about it. If you have not seen a good variety of Hitchcock’s work you may not find this film extremely funny, but may get a chuckle or two out of it none the less. After all, it is Mel Brooks were talking about here. He seems to be at the top of the list when it comes to silly comedy. Just in inform everyone Robin Hood: Men in Tights is by far the best (there is no arguing), with Young Frankenstein right on its heals.

Thanks to the ridiculous High Anxiety my morning and evening teeth cleaning ritual has been ruined. I would like to personally blame Mel Brooks for ruining my brushing experience. I am now unable to brush my teeth without thinking, up and down, up and down, side, side, side, side, in and out, in and out, side, side, side, side over and over. Its enough to make anyone anxious! I will forever be plagued by the scene. Just watch the film and you’ll completely understand!

As far as the transfer went I think it looked fairly good. Keeping in mind this was originally filmed in 1977 the quality of sound and looks are very adequate. It by no means is a spectacular blu-ray, but it isn’t anything terrible by any means. I do have to give fault points for the terrible casing its in. The case in one of those recycled cases, which don’t get me wrong its a great idea, but there is not enough protection for the disc. You basically have the plastic film cover as the protection. The entire back of the case around the disc is cut out. I’m not real sure about that idea. It just doesn’t seem like it would protect the disc from scratching if it were tossed around a little.

Overall, Id have to say its a pretty funny film. A bit odd and uncomfortable at times, but you get used to it as the film goes on. I personally love all that is Mel Brooks and would recommend giving it a watch if you’ve never seen it. You won’t be entirely disappointed. Don’t be Anxious about it!

Special Features

–      Hitchcock and Mel: Spoofing the Master of Suspense HD Featurette

–      The Am I Very, Very Nervous? Test

–      Dont Get Anxious! The Trivia of Hitchcock Time Track

–      Isolated Score Track