Eric is playing Mega Man 10 apparently

And there is nothing that makes me happier than hearing how pissed off people get when they play these games.  I love almost nothing more than old-school Mega Man, although one thing I definitely love more is laughing at other people who can’t measure up to my badassness when assuming the role of the Blue Bomber.  Oh yes.  You heard me, Eric; that is me calling you out.


I had 10 conquered the first real day I played it (you know, meaning when other reviews weren’t currently interfering with my time with the game).  I probably blew off another less-important product anyway to play it if I recall correctly, but I obviously can’t name what it was or we’d be in deep shot when trying to get their games in the future.  Call me crazy, but I’d much rather torture myself at the hand 0f Wily than battle the camera of some crappy dime-a-dozen FPS.


On that note, I hope they make ten more of these classic Mega Man games, because I’m really not sure if I’ll ever get tired of them.  Anyone else feel this way?  I wouldn’t venture a guess at how many holes in the drywall Eric’s currently staring at due to his foray with 10, but I’d wager he would agree that this classic 8-bit stuff is well worth the home repair costs.