


James Cameron has created a beautifully simple story of greed leading its way to the destruction of a perfectly peaceful environment and its inhabitants. Avatar is absolutely one of a kind. We are taken into the breathtaking world of Pandora and lead on an incredible journey as a reluctant hero steps up to protect a people and natural system in great need of saving.

Wow! Talk about Pandora syndrome! I honestly can’t get over how fantastic this film is. I have to be honest and say I wasn’t all that into going to theaters and watching this film at film. Avatar had received so much hype I was horrified I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the film to its fullest. Boy was I wrong!! I walked away thinking, that very well may have been the best movie I have EVER seen! I was absolutely lost for words. I honestly wracked my brain to think of anything that would compare to Avatar. Needless to say I came up incredibly short on competitors.

The reasons to love this film are in vast supply. Not only is each and every scene absolutely breathtaking, but the characters and simple story line are remarkable. James Cameron, in my opinion, has successfully created the most monumental sci-fi to date and by far the most beautiful blu-ray of the year. The quality is outstanding and has yet to be matched. The clarity and detail in every aspect of the film is incredible. The plants and animals are beyond anything I would have thought possible. The eye catching colors and movements are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The Na’vi are intriguingly mesmerizing right along with their surroundings. Each movement and action is accompanied by the most complimentary sound effect imaginable.  I can’t possibly say enough about the quality of visuals and sound. Simply amazing.

I absolutely fell in love with the characters. I eventually found myself becoming disappointed when the scene switched away from the Na’vi. They were extremely well designed and characterized. The acting and voices of every character were perfect. Each should be commended for their excellent performance. Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Sigourney Weaver, Joel Moore, and many more were absolutely fantastic.  You couldn’t have asked for a better cast.

Blu-ray & DVD

That’s literally all you get! There are no special features to watch with this release. No commentary, deleted scenes, making of, nothing, just the simple options to play film in either blu-ray or DVD. Isn’t that beautiful? Well, unless you are a special feature junkie then you will be highly disappointed, but happy to hear that they will be releasing an Ultimate Edition and 3D version loaded with special features and addition content. It is debatable on the amount of additional footage, but be assured it will be there. So, if youre looking for the 3D version or special features version and think you can hold off until fall to own the greatest film EVER! By all means be my guest. I however highly recommend owning this film immediately! Its a great price and is perfect for those of us who like to simply enjoy the film itself and really arent all that interested in the extras.