The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day   

The MacManus brothers (Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flanery) are back, but this time conveying justice to the ones responsible for the murder of a beloved priest. They are being set up for the murder of the priest Saint style, two gun shots wounds to the back of the head, arms crossed, and coins over the eyes of the dead. The Saints are being drawn out after 8 years of living a quiet peaceful life with their father in Ireland. Unfortunately for the ones doing the provoking, it worked, and the brothers are leaving a violent and bloody trail of dead mobsters all over Boston.

Troy Duffy delivered once again, and with just as much bang as the first go around. There aren’t many sequels out there that actually do justice to the original, but All Saints Day did one heck of a job. With a fantastic returning cast, director, and writer everything was just as it was before. On top of the great original cast there were excellent additions. Julie Benz came out strong with her performance of Eunice, the FBI operative, and protégé of Agent Paul Smecker (William Dafoe.) She was no William Dafoe, but she was pretty incredible. She came out of the gates with one thick country accent and one catch of a line, I’m so smart I make smart people feel like retards. After that she was golden in my book. Benz definitely made an impression.

Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus were once again magnificent as the MacManus brothers. Their arguing over the implementation of their attacks, and their precise execution of the rock star knee slide across miles of floor while taking out multiple mobsters left me thinking, classic! Loved it! Their incredibly thick accents and blazing antics are hilarious.  Their new partner in crime, Romeo (Clifton Collins Jr.) was quite the comic addition himself. He added that easy go feeling Rocco presented in the first film. Speaking of Rocco, I was thrilled to see his reappearance throughout the film. It just wouldnt have been the same without him! Youve got to have the funny man.

I have to say you may not appreciate All Saints Day if you haven’t paid proper homage to the original Boondock Saints. There is a good bit brought into the second film that you really won’t appreciate unless you’ve seen the original. You also wont have the connection to the characters you need to really get into the sequel. I liked the story line, may have been a little more inventive, but I like it all the same. I thoroughly enjoyed All Saints Day, perhaps a little more than I should have, but you wont hear me apologizing for it. I loved it! Anyone who enjoyed the first one definitely needs to watch the second! If for some crazy reason you havent seen the original, you need to get on that. Youre missing out on an epic film!


1080p High Definition/ 2.35:1

The detailing was excellent. It was very clear and shadowed well. It was darker for the most part with nice coloring here and there. The shadows and dark coloring really added to the dramatic violence and bloodshed. There was one transition scene about 13 mins into the film that wasn’t spectacular. I honestly thought the disk had skipped it was so distracting. Fortunately that was the only time I really noticed it happening. For the rest of the film everything was smooth and violent as can be.


English, French, Portuguese 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital

Its definitely loud and active. Your senses will want for nothing after this film. The shootouts and soundtrack are quite the earful, but not in a bad way. The booming and rumbling bass will give you chills of approval.  It can almost be overload at times, but in the end everything mixed well. The surround activity is great and dialogue is easy to pick up on.

Special Features

–  Deleted Scenes

– Filmmaker & Cast Commentaries

-Unprecedented Access: Behind the Scenes Featurette

– Billy Connolly & Troy Duffy: Unedited

(Blu-ray Exclusive)

-Inside the Vault: The Weapons Feaurette

– The Cast Confesses: Secrets from the Set Featurette

The Boondock Saints Hit Comic-Con

– movieIQ and BD Live- Connect you to real-time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie!