The weapons of Mega Man 10 and a whole heck of a lot more

Ah, sweet uv ajed

So I just got done resizing and posting a freaking ton of Mega Man 10 screenshots and art.  You’ll find every weapon showcased, as well as a good number of level examples and even some stuff from challenge mode.


I probably don’t need to tell you how excited I am about the Blue Bomber’s next venture, but then again, not everyone is probably as amused as I am by the fact that, say, every single Mega Man seems to include one of those orbiting shield weapons (this one’s no exception)!


Ah, sweet uv ajed


Oh, by the way, the game’s out on these dates:

WiiWare – March 1 st

PSN – March 11 th

XBLA – March 31 st


Anyway, rather than listening to me drone on about it all, why not check out the full feature?


Mega Man 10: Weapons revealed and more