World to end; unruly polymorphic viruses to blame

World to end; unruly polymorphic viruses to blame

Just when you thought your ESET installation could heuristically protect you against most internet threats, here comes a nasty little bug that actually invades freakin’ IRL.  Fortunately, it makes for a pretty sweet NES throwback, and it’s none other than BLASTER MASTER: Overdrive, a remake of everyone’s favorite 8-bit Sunsoft venture.  Ah, yes, the music already fills my head with wall-climbing, Hover-hoarding joy.



Yes, it’s polymorphic viruses which are to blame in this updated plotline.  Rootkits perhaps not so much, though you never know these days.  And that damned crab is back, too, as evidenced by the below screenshot.  Yet this time, instead of deploying ComboFix to control the infection (heh), you’re instead pausing the game after that critical grenade toss to inflict glitch-laden damage on the POS.



Announced three days ago on Sunsoft’s obscure web site, the deal-sealing final word came from Nintendo PR just moments ago this morning.  Here’s the news verbatim:

Poor, defenseless animals worldwide have been turned into flesh-eating, hemoglobin-swilling terrors. Fortunately, the world has Alex, who happens to be one of the world’s foremost biologists and specializes in viral mutation profiles and genetic manipulation. Every studious biologist facing imminent global annihilation needs a sweet ride, and Alex is no exception. He has S.O.P.H.I.A., a shape-shifting, gas-guzzling, projectile-spewing paean to destruction on four wheels. Things look grim, but with Alex and S.O.P.H.I.A. on the case, the world just might have a chance.


Right, so it’s all neo-science and post-apocalyptic and stuff now.  But who gives a damn?  It’s Blaster Master.  And as long as I have to SPOILERS climb walls in Area 3 around spiked ledges to reach Area 8 /SPOILERS then I am perfectly okay with that.  Perfectly okay.


You can snag your very own copy of the game from the Wii Shop Channel for 1,000 Wii Points TODAY!  Or, alternatively, you can download a keygen for your favorite $600 software suite and find it bundled along with AV2009 in the install executable.


More malwarific orgasmic screenshots follow.



Greg, where are you when you are needed?