Super Street Fighter 4

There probably isn’t much I can tell you that you don’t already know about the game at this point (or couldn’t find on Wikipedia). After playing with a few different characters against Seth Killian (a typical affair at a Capcom game/tech conference), I was put in my place as usual as the fighting master calmly showed me multiple arsenals of new supers, combos, and the like.

However, I will say that my excitement for the homage the game has given to the glory days of gaming past is just another great direction that every gamer’s favorite 3rd Publisher, Capcom, has taken with their current string of games. Just the idea of a remastered version of the original is great but additions like a Final Fight themed level really catered to my classic gaming needs. Oh, and the addition of Guy and Cody to the lineup of fighters is enough for me to purchase this second rendition of the game (probably my favorite unique characters from Street Fighter Alpha 3 from the Final Fight universe).

Needless to say, if you’re a fighting fan and are serious enough to buy a better controller or stick (a necessity for either the 360 or PS3), this should be a must have once it’s released later this year.