Spin City – Season 3

Spin City – Season 3

Season 3 On DVD

The third season continues the comedy established in the New York mayor’s office that sees Deputy Mayor Mike Flaherty balancing his personal life with his career. Michael J. Fox plays Flaherty and is surrounded by other talent including Richard Kind as Paul Lassiter (you may remember him from Mad About You), Alan Ruck as the sassy Stuart Bondek, Michael Boatman as Carter, Connie Britton as Nikki, Alexander Chaplin as James, and Barry Bostwick as the funny and witless mayor. A typical episode intertwines these characters well, and often several of them will have their own subplot to go along with an overall story.

For season three, the overall storyline is about Mike, Nikki, and Heidi Klum, who plays as herself. During the second
episode, “There’s Something About Heidi,” Mike has his picture taken out of context by some tabloids and suddenly rumors swirl that the two are an item. They weren’t at the time, but within an episode they are a couple. Meanwhile, Nikki confesses a crush on Mike to Carter. This secret is kept for most of the season. The relationship between Nikki and Mike is a constant factor throughout the season that goes unresolved through the final episode. Many other storylines in season three are about keeping up the mayor’s appearance to the citizens New York.

Each episode is directed by Andy Cadiff who had contributed a lot to the popular Home Improvement series and has since gone on to do some work in The War At Home. Each episode of season three offers at least a few smirks if not some ‘lol’ moments although personally I don’t think this is the best season the series had to offer because it focused too much on Nikki and Mike.

This is a very basic DVD release with no extra features and nothing unusual about the packaging, menus, or presentation quality. The video is presented in full screen, 4:3 ratio and features stereo sound, both of which are really what you would expect from a recent TV show transferred to DVD.