Splosion Man: Exclusive developer-guided single- and multi-player footage

Splosion Man: Exclusive developer-guided single- and multi-player footage

CEO of Twisted Pixel Games Mike Wilford was nice enough to let us play the heck out of his E3 demo of their newest platformer, Splosion Man, while he narrated and guided us through the entire experience.  And while our impressions speak for themselves, this video ought to be proof that we aren’t kidding.

There are two separate videos here; one’s the single-player stuff and the other is multiplayer co-op.  Both are extremely interesting and should not be missed.

Oh, yes, and before you go off telling me I suck thanks to my repeated deaths during a certain sequence fairly early on in the multiplayer footage, let me redirect your attention to the end of that video, wherein I bested (with the help of Mike) a sequence not unlike the types of things we used to see in games like Battletoads within just a few tries. 😉



Watch for more on Splosion Man soon; odds are, we’ll have our hands on an early copy before you can say “Sploda in my mouth.”